President Trump’s Historic State of the Union ‘Our Country Is Thriving… Again’ and Will Defend ‘Religious Liberty’ and the ‘Second Amendment’

President Donald J. Trump gave a historic 2020 state of the union address on February 4, 2020. He promised to defend religious liberty and the Second Amendment, and called Congress to ban late term abortion. “We don’t tear down crosses,” President Trump said. “Four more years” proud chants greeted President Trump before he started the […]

Vice President Pence: There ‘Will Never Be Religion Free Zones’ and ‘The Bible Stays’ at Iowa Evangelicals for Trump Rally

Vice President Mike Pence spoke at an ‘Evangelicals for Trump’ event in Sioux City, Iowa on January 30, 2020. The Vice President shared many highlights God has accomplished through President Trump, from jobs, jobs, jobs to the importance of protecting our first freedom – Christian liberty. For those watching the video, around 9:15 in the […]

Democrats’ Social Credit Could Discriminate Against Christians and President Trump Supporters; Democrats Turn Communist

Democrats’ Social Credit Could Discriminate Against Christians and President Trump Supporters; Democrats Turn Communist

Democrats voted against an amendment to prevent the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) from forcing credit reporting agencies to evaluate Americans based on political opinions or religious beliefs, reported Breitbart. The Democrat Party’s hatred of Christians and America is becoming more like Communist China’s hatred. Facebook and Twitter already censor Christians and conservatives by calling […]

Democrats Refuse to Stop Infanticide; Protests Against Pelosi Killing Babies Born Alive

Democrats Refuse to Stop Infanticide; Protests Against Pelosi Killing Babies Born Alive

President Trump called to end late term abortions, showing compassion for babies. However, the Democrat Party refuses to stop infanticide and is blocking votes that would end the bloodshed. As a result, the Purple Sash Revolution protested Democrats. Nancy Pelosi refuses to allow voting on the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act, which would require doctors […]

President Trump Is First President to Speak at the March for Life

President Trump Is First President to Speak at the March for Life

President Trump is the first President to speak at the March for Life. The President will be speaking on Friday, January 24, 2020. Christians and conservatives are thrilled that President Trump is making history with such bold support of God’s pro-life cause. President Trump is standing up for life. He made January 22nd, the Roe […]

Steven Andrew Defines January As “Declare the USA Is Pro-life Month”

Steven Andrew Defines January As “Declare the USA Is Pro-life Month”

“To save the nation” and “for God to give good leaders who love America,” Steven Andrew calls the country to agree with God and declare: “God is pro-life. I am pro-life. The USA is pro-life!” A brochure and videos provide answers on why God says to be pro-life. Andrew is pastor of USA Christian Church […]

Professors Donating 95:1 to Democrats Reveals Most Universities are “Anti-American”

Professors Donating 95:1 to Democrats Reveals Most Universities are “Anti-American”

A study found that professors gave much more to the anti-American Democrats. The professors’ Democrat to Republican donation ratio was 95:1. Many parents feel their children are unsafe with anti-American professors. “The overall D:R donation ratio was 95:1. Among the 12,372 professors sampled, in raw numbers, there were 10,260 nondonors, 2,081 Democratic donors, 22 Republican […]

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