A boy doesn’t have a mother. The violent group Black Lives Matters alegedly shot a white mother because she said all lives matter. 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker was killed in Indianapolis by Black Lives Matter. Jesus Christ teaches all lives matter. After weeks of Black Lives Matters looting and crime, more people are calling Black […]
Americans love freedom. Several hundred people, perhaps one thousand Christians, gathered to protest COVID-19 tyranny at the Texas Capital in Austin, Texas on June 28, 2020. The Christian founding fathers taught to stand up for liberty in 1776, because the Bible teaches liberty is a God-given right. And people have had enough tyranny that they […]
People across the nation have hope and American pride after President Trump’s Tulsa Oklahoma rally. While Joe Biden is hiding in a basement helping to destroy the economywith unending lockdowns, we see President Trump rally people to get back to work, church and life as normal. Biden helped China take away Amerian jobs, but President […]
“Jesus is who I am here for no one else,” proclaimed the bold evangelist. Bevelyn Beatty and Edmee Chavannes have a viral video preaching Jesus Christ in Seattle’s terrorist occupied CHAZ. “You want the benefit of Christ but you don’t want Jesus. There’s no allah, theres no Mohammed, there’s no Buddha, there’s Jesus,” shared the […]
A surprising, secret video has been found that CNN and all the mainstream media hid from the public, because it shows George Floyd resisting the arrest. George Floyd should not have been killed. Everyone agrees with that. It is sad he died. This hidden video brings new information that few people have seen. It shows […]
“The Supreme Judge says the Supreme Court is breaking God’s law and violating the Constitution by attempting to redefine sex in a Title VII opinion on Monday,” said Rev. Steven Andrew. He calls Christians and churches to stand up for God by praying daily for a covenant Christian nation government to immediately replace all representatives/judges […]
What does Jesus Christ teach about the violent BLM protests? People are being killed. Stores are looted. Buildings, police stations and churches have been burned. Many Democrat governors, mayors and police have stood down and allowed crime. Gov. Cuomo and other Demcorat politicians support the criminal protests. But Jesus Christ taught to love God and […]
As President Trump drove into Maine on June 5th, the President was greeted by large crowds chanting: “USA! USA! USA!” Earlier this week President Trump boldly marched to St. John’s Church and lifted up a Holy Bible as a patriotic act showing God and the USA that America loves God and will not be affected […]
A toddler quoting Psalm 23 has gone viral. People love the Word of God and love to see children memorize Scripture. “Y’all…my baby misses church so much! We have bible study MULTIPLE times a week (she leads it lol)!!” shared Alaina Newman, the mother, on anti-American Facebook. However, to have freedom conservatives are switching to […]
While Florida’s abortion industry remains open for business, Florida’s Hillsborough County Sheriff arrested Tampa Bay Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne for conducting worship in violation of the public health social distancing rules. Rodney Howard Browne was arrested for believing in God-given rights. While exempting the abortion industry from closure, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam orders Christians who worship […]