In spite of scrutiny, the United Parcel Service (UPS) Myrtle Beach, SC Center manager is now retaliating against employees who sought to voluntarily pray together before work, in the form of strict application of work “rules” and harassment, in response to attention over the prayer meetings. The Christian founding fathers prayed in Jesus’ name in […]
Save your children, because Disney is teaching children to sin. Many parents and churches are outraged that Disney’s new movie Onward seduces innocent children to follow the devil. Onward “will feature a lesbian character — a Cyclops police officer named Officer Spector,” Breitbart reported. However, Rev. Steven Andrew defined March as “Repent of ‘LGBT’ Sin […]
Rebelling against God as Sodom and Gomorrah also did, the Episcopal Church elected its first openly lesbian bishop. Bonnie A. Perry was approved by a majority of both clergy and lay votes last June and was ordained as the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan earlier in February, WND reported. Many Christians believe […]
Why does Facebook hate conservatives? Why does Facebook censor pro-lifers? Facebook censored the pro-life miracle story of Melissa Ohden, who is director of the Abortion Survivors Network. Ohden survived an abortion and was adopted. However, Facebook considers speaking the truth about abortion to be a violation of ‘community standards” and has a history of blocking […]
Many people already view Nike as Anti-American. After all, Nike removed it’s Betsy Ross Flag shoe off the market. Now, Nike is opposing a Tennessee bill that would protect women from biological men competing against them, reported Breitbart. Shockingly, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee also opposes protecting women. House Bill 1572 and Senate Bill 1736/HB 1689 […]
President Trump spoke at the 2020 National Prayer breakfast Thursday, February 6, 2020. Encouraging Christians across the nation he said, “Faith is alive and thriving in America and we are going to keep it that way… as long as I am president.” There is a huge contrast in politics. President Trump fights for Christians; however […]
President Trump was found innocent and was not impeached. The Senate acquitted President Trump on both articles of the Democrats’ Soviet style impeachment sham on Wednesday. The Bible and the Constitution order President Trump to investigate the corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden. The Lord is our lawmaker and the Bible teaches He wants corruption […]
President Donald J. Trump gave a historic 2020 state of the union address on February 4, 2020. He promised to defend religious liberty and the Second Amendment, and called Congress to ban late term abortion. “We don’t tear down crosses,” President Trump said. “Four more years” proud chants greeted President Trump before he started the […]
The USA’s national motto is “In God We Trust”. Rep. Michael Capps, a Wichita Republican, is the lead sponsor of the inspiring Kansas “In God We Trust” bill that would require every state and municipal building, every public school library and classroom to display the USA’s national motto, reported the Wichita Eagle. “In God We […]
Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian West have been in national and Christian news often after West’s new album “Jesus Is King” debuted at Number 1 on Billboard. The founding fathers believed “No King But King Jesus,” so it is very American to have Jesus as King. Now, Kim Kardashian shared a warm video […]