A new poll finds that Roy Moore, the man who faithfully stands up for God and wants Alabama blessed by God, leads the Alabama 2020 GOP Senate Race. Moore leads by 9 points with 27% support in the the Mason Dixon poll. Mo Brooks has 18% support for second place. Moore is known for a […]
Pennsylvania State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz thanked Jesus, “the King of Kings; the Lord of lords; the great I Am; the One who’s coming back again; the One who came, died and rose again on the third day.” Is this revival? For 10 years Steven Andrew led Christians nationwide to declare Jesus Christ is Lord of […]
President Trump cutting $60 million from Planned Parenthood’s likely funding is causing Christians, conservatives and others who believe in life to celebrate across the country. The President “issued a final federal rule Friday that could deprive abortion giant Planned Parenthood of $60 million in taxpayer funding annually,” reported WND. There is a big contrast between President Trump […]
President Trump continues to stand up for God as he spoke at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast on February 7th. The president said: “faith is central to American life and to liberty. Our founders invoked our Creator four times in the Declaration of Independence. Our currency declares, ‘In God We Trust.’ And we place our […]
Americans see the Democrat Party has taken an evil turn toward infanticide. New York and Virginia governors are showing shocking reports of hate for people with abortions up to birth. “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) signed the bill/amendment to legalize abortion on demand all the way up until birth,” reported WND. This was January […]
President Trump gave a special Good Friday message, reminding people of the “suffering and death of God’s only son”. Jesus Defeated Death On Easter “We proclaim with joy Christ is risen,” said the President. “Our hope is in Jesus Christ, who is victorious over death! As people say Jesus Christ is Lord of the USA, we […]
President Trump sounds more like our Christian founding fathers, who made America great, as he spoke at the 2018 National Prayer Breakfast. Across the country, Christians support the President in high numbers and are pleased with what he said. The USA Is a Christian Nation Many feel hope restored with President Trump gracefully saying at […]
President Trump released a 2020 campaign ad that displays the predictable and consistent, yet utterly disgraceful, behavior of Democrat Members of Congress as they reacted to President Trump’s first State of the Union Address to the nation. The ad shows the Democrat Party leaders refusing to stand for the USA. “God is using President Trump. […]
More facts show that Barack Obama’s FBI and DOJ tried to overthrow the country and President Trump. The Devin Nunes’ memo and other late breaking news shows the Democrat Russia collusion scandal and fake news media lied about Donald Trump. President Trump Always Innocent “The nation sees that President Trump is innocent,” said Rev. Steven […]
There was non-stop applause for President Trump’s historic 2018 State of the Union address, as the President stood under the engraving of “In God We Trust”. Across the nation, people were touched by the kindness, care and wisdom of the President. The Democrat Politicians are “the Faces of Hate” However, many were very disappointed by […]