History Made; President Trump: ‘I am Truly Proud to Stand with You’ Who Are Pro-life

President Trump Pro-Life March for Life Winning

President Donald J. Trump said, “It is my profound honor to be the first president in history to attend the March for Life” on January 24, 2020. “We are here for a very simple reason to defend the right of every child born and unborn to fulfill their God-given potential,” President Trump said.

“I am truly proud to stand with you,” President Trump said to the massive pro-life crowd.

People across the nation declared the USA is pro-life, after Steven Andrew defined January as Declare the USA is pro-life. President Trump spoke about our “pro-life nation”.

“Every child is a precious gift from Almighty God,” President Trump said. “As the Bible tells us, each person is wonderfully made.”

Many youth are taking a bold pro-life stand and President noticed. “I want to welcome tens of thousands of high school and college students who took long bus rides to be here in our nation’s capital,” he said.

Watch President Trump’s entire March for Life 2020 speech in this video.

In contrast, the Democrats rebel against against God, even refusing to stop infanticide; Democrats want to kill babies, even after birth. It is inhumane.

The Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill” in Exodus 20:13.

The President stood up for Christians and calls for the persecution of Christians to end.

2020 is Jesus Is King Year.

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