President Trump: Democrat Party Disrespects Americans

President Trump released a 2020 campaign ad that displays the predictable and consistent, yet utterly disgraceful, behavior of Democrat Members of Congress as they reacted to President Trump’s first State of the Union Address to the nation. The ad shows the Democrat Party leaders refusing to stand for the USA. “God is using President Trump. […]

Memos: President Trump Is Innocent, But Democrats Committed Treason

Memos: President Trump Is Innocent, But Democrats Committed Treason

More facts show that Barack Obama’s FBI and DOJ tried to overthrow the country and President Trump. The Devin Nunes’ memo and other late breaking news shows the Democrat Russia collusion scandal and fake news media lied about Donald Trump. President Trump Always Innocent “The nation sees that President Trump is innocent,” said Rev. Steven […]

State of the Union: President Trump Loves America, But Democrats Hate America

There was non-stop applause for President Trump’s historic 2018 State of the Union address, as the President stood under the engraving of “In God We Trust”. Across the nation, people were touched by the kindness, care and wisdom of the President. The Democrat Politicians are “the Faces of Hate” However, many were very disappointed by […]

Harvard Study: American Christianity Is ‘Persistent and Exceptional’

Harvard Study: American Christianity Is ‘Persistent and Exceptional’

The USA stands above the world in following Jesus Christ. A recent study from Harvard and Indiana University Bloomington shows that American Christianity is “persistently and exceptionally intense”. “The reason why American Christianity is intense is the USA is a covenant Christian nation dedicated to God by our Christian founders. We are seeing revival as […]

Roy Moore Proven Innocent by Polygraph Test; “Moore Should Be Declared Winner,” Says Rev. Steven Andrew

Roy Moore Proven Innocent by Polygraph Test; “Moore Should Be Declared Winner,” Says Rev. Steven Andrew

Roy Moore was proven innocent of sexual accusations, after taking a polygraph test. An affidavit stated Moore “successfully completed” the polygraph test “confirming the representations of misconduct made against him during the campaign are completely false.” The affidavit was given by Moore on December 27, 2017. Earlier reported the forged yearbook signing, how the […]

Hope: Roy Moore Refuses to Concede; Moore May Yet Win Alabama Senator

Christians nationwide feel hope hearing the news about Christian Roy Moore. In a video announcement Wednesday, Moore refused to concede. “In this race, we have not received the final count​ to include ​military and provisional ballots,” he said and kept the race open. Will Roy Moore end up the winner? Moore was the expected Alabama […]

Winning: Trump Says, “We Are Protecting Religious Liberty” and Our “Judeo-Christian Values”

The Christian majority is rejoicing that God is using President Trump. The President said, “We are protecting religious liberty and we’re getting rid of the Johnson amendment” at the Pensacola Rally on December 7, 2017. “Merry Christmas” banners were next to the President. Then the President Trump said, “We’ve stopped the government’s attacks on our […]

Christians Renounce Mormon Mitt Romney – But Support Christian Roy Moore!

Christians Renounce Mormon Mitt Romney – But Support Christian Roy Moore!

Christians nationwide are renouncing all ties to Mormon Mitt Romney, when they find out Romney, as a Mormon, thinks Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer. Romney has been in the news for calling Christian Roy Moore “a stain,” but Moore is known for faithfully standing for God’s Word, traditional marriage and protecting the borders. […]