Rep. James Comer exposed how Biden and the Democrat Party took millions of dollars from foreign enemies. That explains why Biden and Harris betray America by bringing in foreign military aged men and disease across the unsecure border, gave $85 billion in military equipment to Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan, and push for massive baby killing by abortion even after birth. Sen. Rand Paul said, [Biden, Harris and ] “Fauci contributed to the deaths of “somewhere between 10 and 20 million” with Covid. Now, the Democrat weakened military is taking high school drop outs to enlist and removed the Diploma requirement. It is time to cry out to God for help.
What does the Bible say we must do? “The military weakening is a Biblical warning from God to humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from wicked ways so God hears and forgives our sin through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. To heal our land we must agree the Lord is the the USA’s God, not strange gods. We must read the Bible morning and evening to seek God and do His will,” said Steven Andrew. Andrew is pastor of USA Christian Church and has shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with over 80 million people. To learn more how turning to God will turn things around sign up for America is on the Lord’s side and watch “Save America Revival!” daily on USA.Life social network.
Military.com reports:
The decision follows a move in December 2022 to bring in a larger number of recruits who score very low on the Armed Services Qualification Test. Both are fairly rare steps that the other military services largely avoid or limit, even though they are all finding it increasingly difficult to attract the dwindling number of young people who can meet the military’s physical, mental and moral standards.
Under the new plan, Navy recruits without an education credential will be able to join as long as they score 50 or above on the qualification test, which is out of 99.
We need the strongest military. “We must turn to God for help by making God top priority of the USA. Will you agree: The Lord is the God of the USA and Americans obey the Bible so God fights for the USA?” said Andrew.
Making God top priority of the USA is the only way to defeat communists. We are in a life and death situation. Can you help get hearts right with God with Steven Andrew’s revival? It is urgent. Honor God. Give generously to God today by supporting revival.
“Do you want hope? People need God for their lives, family, job, and the USA,” said Steven Andrew. “Call on Jesus Christ to save you and make it top priority to prayerfully read the Bible morning and evening to have God’s direction for your life,” Andrew said. John 3:16-18, Romans 10:9-10, Psalm 33:12, Mark 12:30-31.
In this time of national crisis, it is important to unite together on USA.Life social network. USA.Life is better than others, because USA.Life follows God and has the top people in the nation who share and connect in “God’s Freedom”TM. There is no other social network that can help the nation and those who love God like USA.Life. It is easy to make a difference. Join USA.Life social network and invite your loved ones, church, groups and busiensses to Friend you.
What do we need to save America and have blessed lives? “We must honor God and this generation must covenant with the Lord as I am leading the nation to do,” said Andrew. Pray for Andrew in this huge Biblial outreach. Give generously to God today by supporting revival.