Hunter Biden, who has been accused of mass corruption charges with Joe Biden, has been called a “Deadbeat Dad” by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR). The corruption of the Democrat Party grows daily. However, the mainstream media hides this news from the American people. Cotton said the NY Times and Washington Post didn’t cover the bad […]
To fight the illegal Soviet-style impeachment sham from the Democrats, President Donald J. Trump announced that: the following Members of the House of Representatives will serve as part of his team working to combat this hyper-partisan and baseless impeachment. This initial list includes the following Members: Congressman Doug CollinsCongressman Mike JohnsonCongressman Jim JordanCongresswoman Debbie LeskoCongressman […]
As the Bible teaches, Steven Andrew is leading the nation to reaffirm covenant that the USA serves Jesus as judge, lawgiver and king (Isaiah 33:22). As a result, we see God’s favor and mercy with open doors to strengthen our Christian nation. President Trump gave a directive today that empowers Christians to pray in public […]
Christians rallied together with great support of President Donald J. Trump in Florida at the King Jesus Church on January 3, 2020. Note: Watch the first 20 minutes and the last few minutes of the video for a summary. The reasons Christians strongly support President Trump are he fights to end the persecution of Christians, […]
The United Methodist Church is expected to rebel against God. The third largest denomination is taking steps to allow sinful homosexuality that God calls “vile affections” in Romans 1. Those of the denomination who obey God, that homosexuality is sinful, are expected to create a “new traditionalist Methodist denomination”. This is according to multiple news […]
To solve our personal needs and the national political problems, 2020 is declared as “Jesus Is King Year, a year of covenant liberty and blessings for our lives and the USA,” by Rev. Steven Andrew. He is pastor of USA Christian Church and leads “America Is on the Lord’s Side,” a group of leading Christians and pastors […]
Are Democrats really communists just posing as socialists? Michael Bloomberg has a strong record opposing America, including the 2nd Amendment. Everyone knows communists take away guns to bully the people. The difference between President Donald J. Trump and Bloomberg and the rest of the Democrat Party is President Trump loves America, but the Democrat candidates […]
President Donald J. Trump was warmly cheered and loved at the Alabama – LSU game on Saturday, November 9th. Fans know our president stands up for America, Christian religious liberty and protecting people from criminal illegal aliens. This is important for national security. Alabama and LSU fans welcome President @realDonaldTrump and First Lady Melania Trump […]
The National Press Secretary for the President Donald J. Trump 2020 Campaign, Kayleigh McEnany, exposed Fake News mainstream media lies about President Trump and Ukraine. “The media is lying to you and we have evidence,” McEnany said in a video post released Wednesday. Stop what you’re doing… WATCH us expose the #FakeNews Media LIES about […]
Americans are patriotic and love our founding fathers and nation, including the historic Betsy Ross Flag. America is the greatest country ever. However, Anti-American Major League Soccer allowed the Real Salt Lake club to block the display of the American Betsy Ross Flag that is known for the USA victory over tyranny, according to Fox. […]