President Trump Honored as the Greatest Pro-Life President of Our Lifetime

President Trump Honored as the Greatest Pro-Life President of Our Lifetime

President Trump stands above others as the strongest pro-life president in recent history. He is the first president to speak at the March for Life. Christians and Conservatives are thrilled that President Trump has such bold support of God’s pro-life cause. Pro-lifers honor President Trump. “This month, we mark nearly 50 years since the United […]

President Trump Is Way More Popular than the Fake News Reports

President Trump Is Way More Popular than the Fake News Reports

Between 75 to 80 million people voted for President Trump. Many believe the number is 80 million votes. This is a historic landslide victory that the fake news hides from people. President Trump’s popularity is because of favoring God and country, which is what the people believe. From playing “God Bless the USA” to being […]

President Trump’s Team Peter Navarro Releases Third Report on Massive Election Fraud – “President Trump Won”

President Trump’s Team Peter Navarro Releases Third Report on Massive Election Fraud – “President Trump Won”

President Trump’s Team Peter Navarro release an independent report on the massive election fraud. President Trump already won. That is what evidence shows. The election and voting fraud report states “Yes, President Trump Won: The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipts”. There is massive voting fraud. Conservative Launching New 1776Free Pro-America Search Engine The report continues: […]

President Trump Won, But Democrats, Big Tech and the Deep State Are Trying to Steal

President Trump Won, But Democrats, Big Tech and the Deep State Are Trying to Steal

President Trump won the 2020 election. Americans are called to put all trust in Jesus Christ and stand up boldly and defend President Trump and America! President Trump won North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Wisonsin, Arizona and Nevada, OANN’s Christian Bobb reported. With President Trump having a big lead, the Democrats, Big Tech and the deep […]

President Trump Update: “I Feel I Could Walk Out of Here Today”

President Trump Update: “I Feel I Could Walk Out of Here Today”

There is a very encouraging update on President Trump from a medical conference today. “I feel I could walk out of here today,” the doctors reported President Trump said. The love the people have for President Trump is overwhelming. President Trump is expected to fully recover. President Trump went to Walter Reed as extra caution […]

CEO Announces ‘Invite Republicans to Pro-America USA.Life Week’ During the RNC

CEO Announces ‘Invite Republicans to Pro-America USA.Life Week’ During the RNC

(San Jose, CA, 8/25/20, Press Release) As more reports emerge of Facebook and Twitter censoring President Trump, conservatives, and Christians, a fast-growing “patriotic social network,” USA.Life, is seeing Republicans sign up quick. Now, with the Republican National Convention, CEO Steven Andrew announced it is “invite Republicans to Pro-America USA.Life week”. What makes USA.Life different is […]

Conservatives Join USA.Life, the ‘New Facebook Alternative,’ as President Trump & Tim Tebow Are Censored by Facebook and Twitter

Conservatives Join USA.Life, the ‘New Facebook Alternative,’ as President Trump & Tim Tebow Are Censored by Facebook and Twitter

USA.Life is the new Facebook alternative. As Facebook and Twitter censor President Donald Trump, Tim Tebow, the Bible, Conservative and Christian news outlets, people are joining USA.Life in record numbers. This popular social network is “the answer to Facebook censoring Christians, Conservatives, and Liberty”. Christian Silicon Valley technology leader and pastor, Steven Andrew, is CEO. […]

Fast Growing USA.Life is the #1 Conservative Facebook Alternative

Fast Growing USA.Life is the #1 Conservative Facebook Alternative

USA.Life is the popular Conservative Facebook alternative. This new social network is where “patriotic Americans unite.” USA.Life hopes to have more than one million users by the end of the year. Over 100,000 people have already joined. “USA.Life helps all who love America connect, join groups, and share news,” said CEO Steven Andrew. Individuals, families, […]

Black Lady Says Black Lives Matter ‘Don’t Care About Black Lives’

Black Lady Says Black Lives Matter ‘Don’t Care About Black Lives’

A bold, Christian, black lady said Black Lives Matter ‘don’t care about black lives”. Bevelyn Beatty poured black paint over the marxist Black Lives Matter slogan that was painted in front of Trump Tower. This happened on Saturday in New York. “#BlackLivesMatter#BLM is a domestic terrorist organization. They don’t care about black lives. They support […]

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