Conservatives Join USA.Life, the ‘New Facebook Alternative,’ as President Trump & Tim Tebow Are Censored by Facebook and Twitter

Conservatives Join USA.Life, the ‘New Facebook Alternative,’ as President Trump & Tim Tebow Are Censored by Facebook and Twitter

USA.Life is the new Facebook alternative. As Facebook and Twitter censor President Donald Trump, Tim Tebow, the Bible, Conservative and Christian news outlets, people are joining USA.Life in record numbers. This popular social network is “the answer to Facebook censoring Christians, Conservatives, and Liberty”. Christian Silicon Valley technology leader and pastor, Steven Andrew, is CEO. […]

Fast Growing USA.Life is the #1 Conservative Facebook Alternative

Fast Growing USA.Life is the #1 Conservative Facebook Alternative

USA.Life is the popular Conservative Facebook alternative. This new social network is where “patriotic Americans unite.” USA.Life hopes to have more than one million users by the end of the year. Over 100,000 people have already joined. “USA.Life helps all who love America connect, join groups, and share news,” said CEO Steven Andrew. Individuals, families, […]

Black Lady Says Black Lives Matter ‘Don’t Care About Black Lives’

Black Lady Says Black Lives Matter ‘Don’t Care About Black Lives’

A bold, Christian, black lady said Black Lives Matter ‘don’t care about black lives”. Bevelyn Beatty poured black paint over the marxist Black Lives Matter slogan that was painted in front of Trump Tower. This happened on Saturday in New York. “#BlackLivesMatter#BLM is a domestic terrorist organization. They don’t care about black lives. They support […]

Graham Ledger: Democrats “Willing to Sacrifice People” and “Economic Stability” by Democrats Hating President Trump

Graham Ledger: Democrats “Willing to Sacrifice People” and “Economic Stability” by Democrats Hating President Trump

On Tuesday, Graham Ledger said that Democrats “hate Donald Trump that much that they are willing to sacrifice people along with our economic stability” in an OAN video. This is “the greatest political conspiracy,” Ledger said about the Democrats killing the elderly and the economy in their attempt to make innocent President Trump look bad. […]

Violent Black Lives Matters Kill White Woman for Saying All Lives Matter

Violent Black Lives Matters Kill White Woman for Saying All Lives Matter

A boy doesn’t have a mother. The violent group Black Lives Matters alegedly shot a white mother because she said all lives matter. 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker was killed in Indianapolis by Black Lives Matter. Jesus Christ teaches all lives matter. After weeks of Black Lives Matters looting and crime, more people are calling Black […]

Almost 1000 Christians Protest COVID-19 Tyranny at Texas Capitol with Open Air Church Service for Liberty

Almost 1000 Christians Protest COVID-19 Tyranny at Texas Capitol with Open Air Church Service for Liberty

Americans love freedom. Several hundred people, perhaps one thousand Christians, gathered to protest COVID-19 tyranny at the Texas Capital in Austin, Texas on June 28, 2020. The Christian founding fathers taught to stand up for liberty in 1776, because the Bible teaches liberty is a God-given right. And people have had enough tyranny that they […]

President Trump’s Tulsa Oklahoma Rally Successfully Unites America with Hope

President Trump’s Tulsa Oklahoma Rally Successfully Unites America with Hope

People across the nation have hope and American pride after President Trump’s Tulsa Oklahoma rally. While Joe Biden is hiding in a basement helping to destroy the economywith unending lockdowns, we see President Trump rally people to get back to work, church and life as normal. Biden helped China take away Amerian jobs, but President […]

WATCH: New Secret Video Shows George Floyd Resisting Arrest

A surprising, secret video has been found that CNN and all the mainstream media hid from the public, because it shows George Floyd resisting the arrest. George Floyd should not have been killed. Everyone agrees with that. It is sad he died. This hidden video brings new information that few people have seen. It shows […]

God: The Supreme Court Is Breaking the Law

God: The Supreme Court Is Breaking the Law

“The Supreme Judge says the Supreme Court is breaking God’s law and violating the Constitution by attempting to redefine sex in a Title VII opinion on Monday,” said Rev. Steven Andrew. He calls Christians and churches to stand up for God by praying daily for a covenant Christian nation government to immediately replace all representatives/judges […]

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