GOP Kari Lake Takes Steps To Throw Out Fraudulent Arizona Election

GOP Kari Lake Takes Steps To Throw Out Fraudulent Arizona Election

72% believe there was cheating in Arizona, according to Rasmussen. The poll was taken before people knew Democrat Katti Hobbs “Censored her political opponents” by “colluding” with Twitter. The Gateway Pundit reported: Republican Kari Lake on Friday afternoon filed a lawsuit to nullify the 2022 midterm election results for the governor’s race in the state […]

Election Rigging: Democrat Katti Hobbs “Censored her political opponents” by “colluding” with Twitter

Election Rigging: Democrat Katti Hobbs “Censored her political opponents” by “colluding” with Twitter

The news is Katti Hobbs “censored her political opponents” by having Twitter censor them. There is so much corruption with Democrats and Twittter. Polling showed Kari Lake had an 11 point lead before the election. Democrats, Twitter and Facebook have rigged elections for years. Many believe this is treason and must be lawfully punished. People […]

Growing number of GOP say it’s time for a change in RNC leadership; Steven Andrew says Mike Lindell is “God’s Choice” for GOP Chair to Replace Failed Ronna Romney McDaniel

Growing number of GOP say it’s time for a change in RNC leadership; Steven Andrew says Mike Lindell is “God’s Choice” for GOP Chair to Replace Failed Ronna Romney McDaniel

GOP Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel is a failure, who blocked election integrity efforts and harmed the GOP. McDaniel has been blamed for not helping Republican candidates. In addition, the Bible in Galatians 1:9 says McDaniel is “accursed” since she blasphemes Jesus Christ as being the spirit brother of Lucifer. Christians believe this Mormon cult belief […]

Twitter Censorship of Conservatives Is More Proof Democrats, Twitter, Facebook and FBI Rigged 2020 Election; President Trump Must Get a Full Term Now

Twitter Censorship of Conservatives Is More Proof Democrats, Twitter, Facebook and FBI Rigged 2020 Election; President Trump Must Get a Full Term Now

The release of Twitter communications shows Democrats and Twitter cheated to rig the 2020 election. They censored Conservatives sharing bad news about Joe Biden. This is one more proof that Democrats, Big Tech and the FBI colluded to rig the 2020 election. This is treason, illegal, a violation of the First Amendment and betrayal of […]

Democrat Election Corruption: FTX Funded Arizona Communist Democrat Katie Hobbs Campaign; More proof Kari Lake Won

Democrat Election Corruption: FTX Funded Arizona Communist Democrat Katie Hobbs Campaign; More proof Kari Lake Won

About 200 million Americans, 57%, believe there was election cheating, Rasmussen. FTX is another big Democrat election cheating scandal of Democrats betraying America. Pamela Geller reported: There is not so much as one column inch in the media about this. FTX funded a $27 million super PAC, led by a Democrat campaign consultant in Arizona […]

Outrage at “Fake Meat” Grows; People Are Boycotting 3d Printed Meat

Outrage at “Fake Meat” Grows; People Are Boycotting 3d Printed Meat

“It is time to get right with the Lord and repent of false gods, abortion and homosexual sin as a nation so we end the evil things going on. If pastors are silent about sin, then evil abounds,” said Steven Andrew, pastor of USA Christian Church. Zero Hedge reports: Believe it or not, 3d printed […]

Republicans Get Over 6 Million More Votes Than Democrats; GOP Wins Popular Vote

Republicans Get Over 6 Million More Votes Than Democrats; GOP Wins Popular Vote

How many millions of votes do you think Democrats cheated and switched away from Republicans? Republicans are projected to win the popular vote for the House of Representatives in Tuesday’s midterm elections as states continue counting ballots, according to Cook Political Report. The GOP brought in 50,623,819 votes in House elections in the 2022 midterms, […]

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