President Trump won the 2020 election. Americans are called to put all trust in Jesus Christ and stand up boldly and defend President Trump and America!

President Trump won North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Wisonsin, Arizona and Nevada, OANN’s Christian Bobb reported.
With President Trump having a big lead, the Democrats, Big Tech and the deep state stopped counting votes. These are the same traitors who colluded with China, Russia and the deep state. They cover up the Democrat’s crimes and treason.
The Gateway Pundit reported: Throughout the evening last night, Big Tech prevented President Trump’s tweets to be shared and the media all night never allowed VP Biden to ever be behind. Florida and Texas were in the Trump corner very early on but the media would not call these big states for Trump. This prevented President Trump from being seen as the clear leader in the race. The media did however, call Arizona and Virginia for Biden very early on.
On USA.Life Rev. Steven Andrew called the nation to join him and “put our trust in God and then stand up boldly for truth and justice!”
Andrew gave the prayer:
Father, You are the God of the USA. President Trump won last night and they stopped counting. In You the USA trusts for immediate justice. We trust in You to fight and defeat all enemies foreign and domestic right now. The USA is on Your side. You are the one true God, marriage is one man and one woman, the USA is a pro-life nation and the USA is a Christian nation forever. We cry out for a covenant Christian nation government immediately. In Jesus’ name. Amen. #jesusisking
Bobb shared “President Trump won. MSM hopes you don’t believe your eyes.” Bobb called out delays in key battleground states as Democrat leaders delayed the vote count when President Trump is ahead.
Mark Levine said the stealing was “unacceptable”.
Pastors point out that God’s will is to stand up to save America. God doesn’t want people to be lukewarm and weak, but to be bold as a lion for justice, righteousness and truth.