“Have you turned to the Lord for help with the national crisis and to protect women? Are you following Joel 2:13-18 and Exodus 18:21 to cry out to God for Christian leaders only immediately?” said Steven Andrew. Daily “fast… Weep.. spare thy people, O’ LORD”. Lord, the USA cries out for a Christian nation government now! In Jesus’ name. Joel 2:13-18, Exodus 18:21, Judges 3:9, Mark 12:30, Deuteronomy 8:19.
‘I can’t even believe how little they care about the safety and protection and privacy of these girls. It is alarming,’ Cheryl Saltzman told Campus Reform. ‘. . . it is teaching our girls as well that they don’t matter. But that a man being comfortable, a man being validated as identifying as a girl, is more important than them,’ she added. A mother of a female student at Utah State University has spoken to Campus Reform about her concerns regarding a biological male moving into her daughter’s dormitory on campus. The male in question–who “identifies” as a woman–serves as a Resident Assistant. The mother expressed concerns and eventually succeeded in moving her daughter to another dormitory–but still expressed outrage over what happened, and called on other parents to defend their daughters when facing similar situations.
“God wants to protect women. God expects Christians to arise and rebuke those against God,” said Steven Andrew.