The Lord is the God of the USA Revival with Steven Andrew Restore God’s Favor; FDA Bans Red No. 3 For American Food

The Lord is the God of the USA Revival with Steven Andrew Restore God’s Favor; FDA Bans Red No. 3 For American Food

The Lord is the God of the USA with Steven Andrew and participants continues to bring God’s favor. “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Wednesday that it will be banning the use of Red No. 3 synthetic dye coloring used in thousands of food, drink and pharmaceutical products throughout the United States. The agency […]

The Lord is the God of the USA Revival Brings God’s Favor to Expose Congress Allocated at Least $516B for Expired Programs; Following Jesus Christ Is Healing Our Land

The Lord is the God of the USA Revival Brings God’s Favor to Expose Congress Allocated at Least $516B for Expired Programs; Following Jesus Christ Is Healing Our Land

There is spiritual warfare, but Christians are winning major victories by following God’s Word. Steven Andrew and The Lord is the God of the USA Revival participants are bringing the Deuteronomy 28:1-14 blessings back to the country. As the Bible teaches to do in Exodus 18:21 Andrew is calling for and leading daily prayer for […]

After making Jesus Christ low priority New York City struggling to hire police officers; Repent. Pray. Jesus, You are judge, lawgiver, and king of the USA. The USA exalts You. Amen. Isaiah 33:22

After making Jesus Christ low priority New York City struggling to hire police officers; Repent. Pray. Jesus, You are judge, lawgiver, and king of the USA. The USA exalts You. Amen. Isaiah 33:22

The New York Police Department is having a challenging time to hire police officers because the number of applicants is low. “People in New York and across the country should be crying out to the Lord for help daily to raise up Christian leaders only immediately, Exodus 18:21, Psalm 2, Isaiah 33:22, Mark 12:30, Psalm […]

Never Let the Wicked Violate Your God-given Rights and the Constitution: New Surveillance Cameras Spy on Drivers; Pray. Jesus, You Are the USA’s Judge, Lawgiver, and King. The USA exalts You. Amen.

Never Let the Wicked Violate Your God-given Rights and the Constitution: New Surveillance Cameras Spy on Drivers; Pray. Jesus, You Are the USA’s Judge, Lawgiver, and King. The USA exalts You. Amen.

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:17. “The only way for the USA to have freedom is to agree with God’s Word that Jesus is the USA’s judge, lawgiver, and king, Isaiah 33:22,” said Steven Andrew. “Pray. Lord, I surrender my life, home and the USA to You. Jesus […]

U-Haul report places Illinois near the bottom of places people are moving to, likely because of sin? To be blessed, agree Jesus is Lord of all 50 states so the Holy Spirit fills the USA,” said Steven Andrew

U-Haul report places Illinois near the bottom of places people are moving to, likely because of sin? To be blessed, agree Jesus is Lord of all 50 states so the Holy Spirit fills the USA,” said Steven Andrew

U-Haul released its moving trends data, measuring one-way customer moves through the U.S. in 2024. Illinois is near the bottom. Sin has consequences. Do you resist sin? “People need to follow Jesus Christ and read the Bible morning and evening to have God’s abundant blessings. Everything one needs is in Jesus Christ. There is no […]

Rare Earth Supplies; In Jesus Christ America Trusts

Rare Earth Supplies; In Jesus Christ America Trusts

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” Psalm 33:21. “If you want the Lord to bless America, then agree the Jesus Christ is the God of the USA and Americans obey the Bible,” said Steven Andrew. “While rare earth elements are needed for energy, technology, and warfare, everything we need is in Jesus […]

Poll: Large Majority of Likely American Voters Are Against Musk, Vivek, and Trump Vance giving American jobs to foreigners; Repent… Cry out to God for Christian Leaders Only

Poll: Large Majority of Likely American Voters Are Against Musk, Vivek, and Trump Vance giving American jobs to foreigners; Repent… Cry out to God for Christian Leaders Only

Why is Donald Trump disobeying God with a heathen administration after getting Christian votes? A new poll finds that a large majority of likely American voters believe the U.S. does not need more foreign H-1B visa workers; however, Trump is going against Americans and picked sides with self-seeking pagans Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, who […]

Majority Say No Foreigners Taking Away Jobs and Are Against Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy Taking Away American Jobs; “Repent of false gods, Agree the Lord is the God of the USA to Save American jobs” Says Steven Andrew

Majority Say No Foreigners Taking Away Jobs and Are Against Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy Taking Away American Jobs; “Repent of false gods, Agree the Lord is the God of the USA to Save American jobs” Says Steven Andrew

“if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.” Deuteronomy 8:19. “Exactly as the Bible teaches Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy betray America to want more foreigners instead of Americans for jobs. […]