President Trump gave a special Good Friday message, reminding people of the “suffering and death of God’s only son”.
Jesus Defeated Death
On Easter “We proclaim with joy Christ is risen,” said the President.
“Our hope is in Jesus Christ, who is victorious over death! As people say Jesus Christ is Lord of the USA, we see God use President Trump more and more,” said Steven Andrew. He leads One Million Americans on the Lord’s side.
Christians support the President. However, the anti-Christian mainstream media tries to divide the nation by slandering the President. That is why gives you real news to unite the nation.
Jesus’ Resurrection
Jesus’ “glorious resurrection on the third day,” was mentioned by President Trump in the special address.
For Christmas, President Trump gave an outstanding message people remember. He said of Jesus “the government is upon his shoulder,” acknowledging Jesus is King of the USA. “No King But King Jesus” is an American Revolution motto.
“Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. He was buried and God raised Jesus from the dead. He now sits at the right hand of God. Jesus Christ is our passover. By believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to go to Heaven,” said Andrew, referencing John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9.
Watch: President Trump stand for our Christian nation at National Prayer Breakfast.
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