Shedding innocent blood. Trump has full term abortionist RFK choose “people who will be running the government”

Donald Trump has “full term” abortionist reprobate RFK jr. picking cabinet members. This mocks a holy God by those who shed innocent blood. Kennedy said, “I’ve been asked to go on to the transition team and … to help pick the people who will be running the government. And I’m looking forward to that,” the Washingtton Examiner reported. It is not just the sin of abortion, Trump turned to false gods with a RNC Sikh prayer and others. “Cry out to God for a Christian Nation government now. Agree Americans obey the Bible,” said Steven Andrew.

Do you know the Bible teaches people are going to die in God’s judgment for disobeying God unless they take seriously what Andrew teaches to follow Jesus Christ 100% in covenant with God?

People should be ashamed of sin and repent. God sees how people give $billions to the abortion promoting Democrat party and Trump. And people give almost $0 to God. How can God help if people don’t make Jesus Christ top priority? If you want people to follow God and to turn away God’s wrath for Democrat and Trump sins, it is urgent to support Andrew’s revivals today. God is hope. Support revival now!

Christians are outraged. In the video RFK supports “full term” abortion. Trump is unfaithful to God and does not have the answer.

“The problem is Trump gets many of the better people to compromise and sin, which when the righteous sin brings God’s judgment of totally corrupt Democrats,” Andrew said.

“People know the Bible teaches that the Democrat and Trump false gods provoke God to wrath and result in captivity, so agree: The Lord is the God of the USA!” Andrew said. “Donald Trump has named two former Democrats to his formal transition team. Trump added Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to the team”, Business Insider reported. JD Vance and RFK are Roman Catholic and Tulsi is Hindu. Roman Catholics and Hindus deny the atonement of Jesus Christ that salavation is by grace through faith and deny the authorirty of the Bible. Ephesians 2:8-9. Hebrews 4:12. Two of the most important holy things of God.

If you love God pray for Steven Andrew as he turns the country to God. This is the most important thing to do and a huge ministry. To make ad ifference and support Andrew’s Gospel mission, give today!

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