“To fix the voting integrity issues we must get right with God and agree to follow the Bible as a nation and choose Christian leaders who ‘fear God’,” said Steven Andrew. That is why watching “Save America Revival!” daily on USA.Life social network is top priority.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
With 90.9% of the vote accounted for in 2020, Joe Biden went from trailing President Donald J. Trump in Michigan the entire day to suddenly taking an incredible 200,000 vote lead… Antrim County, MI became a national news story when it was discovered that tens of thousands of votes tabulated by a Dominion voting machine were flipped from Trump to Biden, inexplicably giving Joe Biden the lead in a solidly red (Republican county). The “mistake” was simply explained away to outraged voters as “human error” by the clerk. Check My Vote founder Tim Vetter has contacted the Gateway Pundit with another huge potential voter fraud story out of Holland, MI, where it has been discovered by one of his teams of over 100 volunteer investigators that 19 people have been registered by the MI DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) to vote at a non-existent (fake) address. According to Vetter’s research, “There is no such address, and no one is paying taxes on the lot.”
“The Bible calls us to choose leaders who “fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness” and “Kiss the Son” in Exodus18:21 and Psalm 2,” Andrew said. “Obeying God is the only way to drain the swamp.” Watch “Save America Revival!” daily at USA.Life social network.