1776Free Patriotic Search Engine Saves America!

1776Free Is the New Conservative Search Engine with Real News!

Conservatives, Christians, President Trump supporters and those who love America finally have a search engine. It is called 1776Free and the company built a crowdfunding page to save freedom and America.

Do you love America? Are you looking real news instead of fake news? Do you want election integrity and truth? 1776Free.com patriotic search engine is coming to “save America”.

1776Free users get true news, America First search results, Conservative and Christian articles that other search engines hide, and real medical information about COVID, nutrition and God-given liberty,” said CEO Steven Andrew.

“With 1776Free there is no more Google bullying. The censorsing of patriotic Americans’ serach results is finally over!” Andrew said.

1776Free is the answer to Google censoring Conservatives, Christians, and Liberty. The search engine is ready to go, but they have $23,900 left needed to raise to get production servers and optimize. This is required to launch, so people are encouraged to donate today and make a difference.

“1776Free requires high performance servers and to give the most accurate results possible. That is where the money goes when people chip in on 1776Free crowdfunding page,” Andrew said.

“Freedom and real news could be lost forever without 1776Free. However, we can save the Internet if just 956 people give $25, or if 239 people give $100, or 24 donors give $1,000. We are so close, If people want real news and liberty, it is at 1776Free,” Andrew said.

The donations that have come in have amounted to over $31,100 of the $55,000 required to launch. 1776Free plans further expansion in the next phase.

“I believe 1776Free will help make Americans and the USA strong and blessed,” Andrew said.

There is no other search engine like 1776Free. Google, Bing and Yahoo are anti-American. Duck Duck Go is leftist and supports left-wing causes. It is urgent to get 1776Free launched.

“We need freedom and truth! So spread the 1776Free crowdfunding page wherever you can,” Andrew said.

Andrew is a Silicon Valley and Christian leader.

To help get 1776Free launcehd, go to 1776Free.com

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