The Christian Nation Government Now revival on USA.Life and USA.Church is “shattering the darkness”. As a result, the Florida Board of Governors voted to prohibit universities from spending on “diversity, equity, and inclusion”. This is a major win and will help young people.
The Bible teaches DEI and woke are Satanic as they attack God and undermine Biblical teaching. The Florida Board of Governors sets academic standards and said no to communism and hate.
Christians and pastors participate daily in the Christian Nation Government Now revival on USA.Life and USA.Church that is led by Steven Andrew. This revival caused a huge positive shift to bring the country back to God. Every day of revival things improve. Andrew brings God’s hope and is pastor of USA Christian Church.
DEI opposes God so DEI causes darkness and suffering. DEI is a radical communist attack to undermine families and society.
“To heal our land we must agree the Lord is if the God of the USA and Americans obey the Bible,” said Andrew
“Christians and churches are needed to particpate daily in the Christian Nation Government Now revival, because lives and the country are at stake. This revival is what is bringing God back, because the revival follows God’s Word to demand to have leaders who ‘fear God’ as Exodus 18:21 teaches. When people want to be governed by Jesus Christ, including for the USA, then darkness is shattered,” said Andrew.
Be part of history and particpate daily in revival on USA.Life social network and USA.Church.