(San Jose, California) Steven Andrew, CEO of 1776Free Search Engine, announced 1776Free will not censor President Trump news stories for the 2020 election. This will provide fair news coverage of the president and honest elections. This is in response to President Trump’s Tweets on Tuesday about claims of concern over search engine bias that could affect the integrity of the election.
President Trump tweeted, “I watched Kevin Cernekee, a Google engineer, say terrible things about what they did in 2016 and that they want to ‘Make sure that Trump losses in 2020.'” The president continued, “Lou Dobbs stated that this is a fraud on the American public. Peter Schweizer stated with certainty that they suppressed negative stories on Hillary Clinton, and boosted negative stories on Donald Trump.”
Andrew says, “1776Free is the answer President Trump and the nation are looking for.” He calls 1776Free “America’s new search engine” and he claims it will provide better search results than is available today.
Users will get “President Trump, conservative, and Christian news that other search engines hide,” he said.
“1776Free.com is needed to protect the free speech assured by the First Amendment. We will unite America and give freedom and privacy,” Andrew said.
1776Free hopes to launch by this fall. The exact date depends on how soon 1776Free reaches its fundraising goal. Andrew set up a crowdfunding page to launch the project, saying 1776Free is for all who love America.
“Without 1776Free, freedom and privacy could be lost forever,” Andrew said.
“We don’t have the billions of dollars the Big Tech companies have, so we need people who love America and our liberty to contribute what they can,” he said.
Financial supporters receive a special reward, depending on how much they give, such as their name credited in the computer code with a keepsake PDF to print and other perks. For larger donations, individuals and organizations can get their name on the founders wall.
Andrew already launched USA.Life social network as a Facebook alternative. Many Christians and conservatives have accounts on USA.Life and the site is growing fast.
1776Free search engine is the answer to Google and others censoring Christians, conservatives and liberty. CEO Steven Andrew says, “1776Free users get search results that are hidden from them.